GMS Board of
Board of
with Shareholders

Corporate Secretary & Investor Relations Policy

As 35% of its shares are held by the public, AEI strives to maintain its corporate credibility and strengthen investor confidence by being transparent and by providing timely, updated, accurate and adequate information regarding the company’s business, strategic and financial development.

The Corporate Secretary & Investor Relations Division has issued a Corporate Secretary & Investor Relations Policy to be in compliance with the prevailing rules and regulations. This policy provides general guidelines for the Corporate Secretary & Investor Relations Division to ensure consistent approaches in the activities regarding corporate secretary and investor relations, including communication with all stakeholders, information disclosure, as well as confidential information.

For full policy, please click here .


Public Expose 

In the fulfillment of the IDX Board of Directors’ Decree number Kep-00066/BEI/09-2022 on the Amendment to Regulation Number I-E on the Information Disclosure Requirement, in 2023, PT Adaro Energi Indonesia Tbk (AEI) held one annual public expose to update the shareholders and potential shareholders with the company’s conditions and operational and financial performance.

The public expose was implemented as follows:

  • Submission of the plan to implement the public expose: November 14th, 2023
  • Submission of public expose material: November 23rd, 2023
  • Public expose implementation: November 28th, 2023
  • Submission of public expose report: December 1st, 2023 

The public expose was held online and attended by 638 participants, consisting of investors and analysts.

AEI’s management representatives attending the online public expose were:

  • Michael W. Soeryadjaya (Director)
  • Lie Luckman (Chief Financial Officer)
  • Mahardika Putranto (Corporate Secretary)
  • Thomas J. Coombes and Danuta Komar (Investor Relations)
Last modified on March 19, 2024, 10:22 am | 39262