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Indonesia plans to raise coal royalties end of Q1
Rabu, 18 Februari 2015 / 10:30 WIB
Indonesia plans to raise coal royalties by the end of the first quarter to boost mining revenue amid shrinking incomes from oil and gas, according to an official at the Energy and Mineral Resources ministry. Parliament has asked the government to increase non-tax revenue from coal and metals...

Coal mining slump a blessing in disguise
Selasa, 17 Februari 2015 / 10:32 WIB
Mohammad Faisal, Jakarta | Opinion | Mon, February 16 2015, 6:58 AM The growth of the coal-mining industry, which has diminished in the last two years, is expected to slump even further this year following weakening demand for coal in the world market. This has been worsened by the more recent...

Harga Batubara Diperkirakan Merangkak Naik ke US$ 70 per Ton
Selasa, 17 Februari 2015 / 10:31 WIB
Jakarta, CNN Indonesia – Direktur Pembinaan Program Mineral dan Batubara Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Sujatmiko memperkirakan fenomena penurunan harga batubara dunia yang berlangsung dua tahun terakhir akan menunjukan perbaikan mulai tahun ini. Keyakinan itu, ditunjang...

As India opens up coal sector, global miners cool on investing
Jumat, 13 Februari 2015 / 10:32 WIB
NEW DELHI/MELBOURNE, Feb 3 (Reuters) – India’s plans to attract badly needed foreign investment and technology to its coal sector are getting a cool response from some miners and trading houses, even though the country is one of the few bright spots for global coal demand. Seeking to...

The Feel-Good Folly of Fossil-Fuel Divestment
Senin, 09 Februari 2015 / 10:35 WIB
The only ones to suffer will be colleges that earn less money for research, services and student scholarships. Global Divestment Day will kick off on Friday. In the run-up to this two-day event, college administrators are coming under increasing pressure to accede to climate activists’...

US coal mines most at risk as Australia, Indonesia capture market share
Jumat, 06 Februari 2015 / 10:36 WIB   TORONTO ( – US coal mines are most at risk as Australian and Indonesian coal suppliers see some upside in the difficult months ahead as they...

China, S Korea increase coal offtake from Australia’s Newcastle in Jan: PWCS
Rabu, 04 Februari 2015 / 10:37 WIB
Perth (Platts)–2Feb2015/558 am EST/1058 GMT Australia’s Port Waratah Coal Services terminals increased their shipments of thermal and coking coal exports to China and South Korea in January, but exports to Japan fell in the same month, the company said in a report Monday. The PWCS...

detikcom: Proyek PLTU Batang Rp 40 T Jalan Terus
Senin, 02 Februari 2015 / 10:38 WIB
Pemerintah menegaskan bakal terus melanjutkan pembangunan mega proyek Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Uap (PLTU) Batang, Jawa Tengah 2 x 1.000 megawatt (MW), yang menelan biaya sekitar Rp 40 triliun. Kendala yang kerap menghambat dalam pembangunan proyek pembangkit listrik adalah soal pembebasan...

President Asks Citizens To Be Optimistic About Indonesia`s Economic Growth
Senin, 02 Februari 2015 / 10:33 WIB
Link: Manila (ANTARA News) – President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo has called on his countrymen to be optimistic about the nations economic condition in 2015 and for the...

China 2014 coal output seen down 2.5 pct, first drop in a decade
Sabtu, 31 Januari 2015 / 10:39 WIB
Jan 29 (Reuters) – China‘s coal production is estimated to have fallen 2.5 percent in 2014, the first annual drop in more than a decade, hit by a war on pollution and government efforts to tackle a supply glut as demand from industry and the power sector weakens. The forecast by the...

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